Tell-Tale Signs That Your Concrete Floor Needs a New Coating

Tell-Tale Signs That Your Concrete Floor Needs a New Coating

Concrete floors are known for their strength and durability. So why does your floor need a concrete floor paint in the first place? Is it just to make your floor look pretty, or does it have other advantages? A concrete floor can withstand a lot of pressure and rough handling. Apart from enhancing the visual appeal of your concrete floor, a good coating can make it even stronger and more durable. However durable your floor may be, it will need a sprucing up with a new coating at some point in time. A new coat in time will save you a complete overhauling of your floor. So when is the right time to give your floor a new coating?

There are some tell-tale signs that should alert you to the fact that your concrete floor needs a new coating of paint. Just look for these signs and take timely action, and you can keep at bay a more expensive and tedious overhaul.



Give a close look at your floor. If you can find cracks on the floor, this could well be the right time to give your floor a fresh coat of paint. Even if you fail to notice these cracks, they start showing up when they fill themselves with dirt and grease. This dirt can gain access to your concrete floor beneath the coating and cause serious damage to the floor. The concrete floor can crack up too, but a good coating is like a good floor guard and acts like a protective layer on the floor. Concrete surfaces, though highly resilient, can get cracks over a period of time. This is because concrete expands and contracts with changes in temperature. A good floor guard protects your concrete flooring in spite of its natural tendency to crack.

A more serious risk posed by a cracked floor is that moisture gains easy entry into the floor. Water can leak through the tiniest of pores and crevices, and a steady leakage of moisture over a long period of time, even if it is in small quantities, can cause far-reaching damage to the floor. So, the best and the most long-lasting solution would be to give your floor a coating that has excellent adhesive properties and is water-resistant. Another problem caused by water seepage is that it can lead to the growth of mold and such other fungi. But that need not be a worry as we have now concrete floor guards that have antifungal properties.

Chipping is another sign that your floor needs a good touch-up. If your floor has a flaky surface, then it is high time you attended to the issue. Chipping or flaking, technically known as spalling, is a warning that problems are far more intense than what meets the eye. There are more serious issues right below the surface. Flaking is an indication of underlying moisture or cracks caused by extreme shifts in temperature.


Constant exposure to UV rays and chemicals, which is plain impossible to be ruled out, are all also reasons for wear and tear. They cause discoloration. That shade you so carefully chose for that particular look which goes so well with the rest of your interiors can fade with time. A fresh coat of floor paint can regain the lost visual appeal and ambience of your interiors.

The best concrete floor paint has the following properties:

  • It is highly durable.
  • It has excellent adhesive properties.
  • It works well on both concrete and tiled flooring.
  • It has anti-fungal properties.
  • It is water resistant.
  • It can withstand UV exposure.
  • It can protect the floor from spills of chemicals and other corrosive elements.

Just to wrap up, those areas of your floor which have the maximum footfall tend to get damaged faster than the rest of the floor, which goes without saying, of course. This is because these areas tend to get scratches on the surface, and the scratches, in turn, tend to pick up dust and dirt. Regular cleaning helps to maintain the floors, but over time they would need much more than a thorough cleaning. A fresh coating of floor paint actually helps in maintaining the floor and enhances its durability.

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